On Fri, 20 Oct 1995, Logan Vanleigh wrote:
> I have two colonies in E TN that are a bit weak on stores and feel I may
> need to feed them possibly thru the winter.  Having just returned to
> beekeeping I have no frames of honey to give them.  I seem to recall a
> discussion some months ago about in-hive feeders 'on the cheap'.  I don't
> have division board feeders.  Are there reasonable (all opinions
> appreciated) home-made alternatives for providing in-hive feeding during the
> winter.
Our bee inspector's (Bart Smih's) favorite method  of supplemental feeding:
   Use a 1 gal. ZipLoc bag filled 3/4 with sugar syrup.  Close top
getting as much of the remaining air out as possible.  Lay the bag flat on
top of the top bars and cut a slit in the middle (top side) of the
flattened bag.   The syrup will not run out!  The bees climb on top of
the bag and suck the syrup out until the bag is completely empty.  Put a
shallow super over this arrangement and cover the hive.  Easy, huh?
John Moyer, Maryland Beekeeper