I have to agree with Judy that co-sleeping, like most things in parenting,
is great as long as it meets the needs of the parent/s and child. Like
Judy, I was never comfortable about sleeping with my children once they were
more than a few weeks old - I lay rigidly in bed, trapped between an immovable
husband and a baby who seemed to always be in the middle of 'my side'. I
was much happier getting up to feed, and getting back to bed to spread out.
Maybe I'm selfish, but I slept better, I was happier during the day, and
my three kids (now aged 7, 4 and 22 months) seem to be quite secure and happy
in their own beds, knowing that they can come to my and snuggle in at any
time if they feel the need. So you're not alone there Judy !!

Getting off my inner-sprung soapbox!!

Fiona Coombes
Family Physician IBCLC
Perth Western Australia