Sometime ago I posted a question about maternal dehydration causing infant
dehydration.  This is what I was told was the diagnosis for an infant who
was dehydrated. I was skeptical, for a mother to be dehydrated she must have
been very uncomfortable, and I could not find any relationship in the
literature. I suspect those making the diagnosis lacked adequate human
lactation education. So I am asking again if anyone has any information
regarding the possiblity of a mother becoming dehydrated and not being able
to produce an adequate amount of milk?

I also have a good one for you.  The mother of a two week old having
breastfeeding difficulties called and told me her baby had been admitted to
our local childrens' hospital at 1 and a half days of age for
dehydration!!!!!  And we wonder why the cost of health care is so high!

Thanks to all her responded to the misquote posting it was very nice to get
the support.

Susan Moxley IBCLC
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