I had a frustrating day.  Have been working with a gal who had a breast
reduction a few years back.  She said they disconnected the nipple and
areola except for a small area on top and left the nerves connected.  Baby
now two weeks old.  Has had trouble with latch and tongue sucking, but has
gotton past that stage.  Sometimes he still takes a few minutes before
he gets on properly but he does.  Lots of wet/poopy diapers - looks great,
alert, rooting, filled out, but not gaining.  8-11 at birth, down to 8-1 at
5 days, up to 8-13 three days ago, now 8-7.  Observed BF X45 minutes,
only one let down on left, two on right, very short duration.  AC PC
weights differ by about 1/4 OZ.  Even after 45 minutes of great nursing
this kid acted starved.  Tried some ABM, the kid at least had good
taste, he didn't like it!  Got another 10 ccs down him and instructed
her to try to get a total of 4 OZ ABM down him today and tomorrow and
keep BF the kid as much as possible.  Will Reweigh in two days.  Thought
maybe mom still needs to catch up from when he wasn't nursing well yet.
Could be from the surgery though.  She siad they took over 10 lbs of
breast tissue.  She seemed to have plenty still.  Any comments or
suggestions.  Hated to give out that OTHER stuff.

Becky Behre who isn't as smart as she thinks she is
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