Hi all,
Just wondered if anyone had any references for Hep C and BF.  Haven't had any
responses yet.  Thanks!

In regards to names for BF, I don't remember what I called it with my first
son, but he wasn't really talking a lot by the time he weaned and didn't call
BF anything that I can remember.  With our second son, Ben, 1 year old,  I
call it *nibbles*.  It happened kind of by accident.  He was trying to do the
biting thing and I told him "No nibbling on the nipple that feeds you, kid!"
 The *nibble* thing stuck , don't ask me why!  Ben has yet to ask for
*Nibbles* but does have a specific type of insistent hesistant kind of cry
when he decides that he's hungry and doesn't want to wait more than 2 seconds
to go to breast!  I can't wait for him to say " Hey, Mom. It's Nibble Time!"

That's all for now!
LC2B, WIC Hosp. PC and soon-to-be CLE!
Sacramento, CA