Another late night (groan!) limerick attempt:

She's hooked, but good, on Lactnet
Hubby can't free her with a ratchet!
(He) goes to bed with a groan
About sleeping alone
And the house looks like a rats' nest!

I'd like to suggest another activity. Many of us are asked to speak about
breastfeeding or find ourselves in situations where a cute breastfeeding
joke sets the perfect tone to our talk or teaching or whatever. I'd like
to suggest a "Joke Share". Here's one to start:

Question: Do you know what those little bumps are on the areola?
Response: No, What?
        (Even if they know about Montgomery Glands, I tell them to
        pretend like they don't)
Answer: That's braille for "suckle me"

With new parents, this is a great way to launch into teaching about the
Montgomery Glands & how they lubricate & give the nipple a special smell
which helps the baby to locate it & that they shouldn't wash it off or
cover it up with manufactured creams blah, blah, know the
rest. They enjoy the laugh and they don't forget the lesson.

A little humor also sets a great tone for teaching professionals.
Somehow, when we've all had a good laugh, it's easier to teach topics
that may pluck the strings of controversy.

If Lactnetters are as good at humor as they've proven to be at
Limericking, we'll be groaning or laughing. Have fun :-)

Amy Mueller, BSN, RN, IBCLC
Traverse City
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