I have MVP (mitral valve prolapse), and so am considered at risk for
contracting a potentially fatal infection from bacteria released during
normal teeth cleanings. Only recently have most dentists begun to screen
routinely for MVP, and my dentist refuses to treat anyone who might have
it unless they agree to the antibiotic treatment. I live in California,
and here it is considered necessary to take the antiobiotic for
cleanings, but not for exams or routine dental work (?!)  I sometimes
wonder about this, because if cleanings are risky, shouldn't brushing and
flossing be, too?

However, as this is the standard of care now, I would recommend that moms
without dental problems and who have such conditions requiring
pre-medication delay their dental visits until baby is older. Or,
depending on your state, she might be able to have an exam and some
necessary work done, but put off the cleaning.

My babies were all weaned and big by the time this came to light, but I
must say that I would now be apprehensive of potential yeast problems
with the aggressive therapy required. Anyone else?


Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
