Dear and very appreciated Dr. Hale:

Yes, you really *are* pumped up today!  Good days are to be savoured, and
you have given all of us a bit of the taste of your day!
Your focus and ideas for effectively touching the minds and hearts of
"doctors in gestation " are FABULOUS, CREATIVE and INSPIRING! (Yup, I'm
yelling, folks.)

You have made me want to march right down to the University of Yucatan
Medical School to offer my services to give a talk every semester. At ILCA
this summer I bought a slew of UNICEF slides, amoung others...and one of
the LC's on Lactnet sold me two slides of breastmilk ...full of irregular
blobs and objects (those great macrophages and leucocites making it an
alive substance.) The slide of formula looks like pale uniform
wallpaper.....dead, dead, dead. This is great material for a medical
presentation, as per your instructions to steer away from the emotional

Last spring I was invited for the 1st time to be part of a panel discussion
at the Medical School on Breastfeeding. There were 6 of us. The other panel
members were Chiefs of Neonatology, Heads of Ped. dept., etc.etc.  I stood
out, or stuck out maybe for 3 big reasons.  I was 1-the only woman
                                    2-the only non-medical doctor
                             and    3-the only non-mexican.

And yet when it came time for the questions from the audience guess who got
the most questions?  Little old me!  :-)

After the battery charge that the ILCA Conference gave me, plus all this
daily outpouring of knowledge on Lactnet.....I'm ready to get on their
speakers list.

Thanks, Dr. Hale, for the shot in the arm, or was that a loving shove to
get moving to change the medical mind-set?  Here I go!

  8&%#@+?<*%  CRASH......that was me......
                      slipping off the soap box...all those bubbles I guess.


P.S. Tell Newt, Strom and Phil that you get to view a lot of breasts in
this field. While in their field you don't get to see much at all....what
with politicians always covering their backs, covering their tracks and
taking cover in general!