Hello, friends -

My pastor recently received a paper plate in the mail (yes, the whole
paper plate - 0.55 postage)
from the Mennonite Church.  The paper plate letter asked for those
willing to send a paper plate
to their senators urging them to keep effective nutrition programs from
the block grants.  The
letter read as follows:

<A paper plate is an effective visual symbol carrying our message that
society has a moral
responsibility to help our hungry children, sister, and brothers.  Block
grants and funding cuts
would dismantle effective programs that work, such as WIC, food stamps
and school lunch.

The following is an example of what you might write:  Dear Senator - :
I urge you to protect the
national safety net and oppose block grants and funding cuts for federal
food programs.  The
current proposals reduce overall funding for food assistance to poor and
hungry people.
Sincerely, Your Name, Your Address.

Write your message on one side, and address on the other (Senator -
,U.S. Senate, Washington,
D.C.  20510.)  Send th plate as is for 55 cents postage, or in a regular
envelope for 32 cents.>

I look forward to hearing more about the Miriam Labbock nomination.

Jeanne Fisher, Austin, TX