
Do you know where you read about formula having soporifics in them?
 Inquiring minds want to know....

Today's frustration:  Hospital rounds to see bf moms of our pediatric group;
one mom told me, "Oh, I'm not bf, and the bottle feeding is going fine."
 Since I was already sitting, I asked her what factors caused her to choose
bo fdg over bf.  "Well, I'm a clinical psychologist, and I'm going back to
work - pumping just isn't for me."  Then she told me she's planning to go
back to work in 2 weeks.  I suggested that perhaps she might feel differently
about going back in 2 weeks once she got home with the baby.  "Oh, I don't
believe in that stuff -- there really isn't any difference between men &
women, and men go back to work 2 days after they have had a baby!  I mean, I
love the baby of course, but I don't think there's any need to HAVE to bf, or
HAVE to stay home..."  When I mildly suggested that maybe hormones might play
a bit of a role, she informed me in no uncertain terms that the brain could
control the hormones, so there wouldn't be any problem.

Of course, she is suppressing her prolactin and oxytocin...and already
beginning to disconnect from the baby.  There was so much I wanted to
say....and didn't....and my heart aches for the baby....

Jan Barger, learning to keep her mouth shut when she should.  Some of the
time, anyway.