> Hello,
> Is it correct and safe to overwinter colonies with the same apistan
> strips that I pulled before the honey flow?  I am now installing
> them in colonies after I pull the honey.  We have about 500 hives so
> I am concerned.  I am concerned about mite resistance to the strips,
> thus cutting my own throat.
I am starting to become alarmed at the number of people posting on
this list who apparently cannot read a label - or a post either for
that matter.
Does nobody ever read all the posts that go by?
Do people just temporarily subscribe to this list to ask the same question that
has been covered in detail a short while previously?
Where are we going wrong. Do we need a FAQ?  Would anyone read it?
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                    VE6CFK
Rural Route One, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada  T0M 1Y0
Honey. Bees, Art, & Futures <http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~dicka>