On Fri, 8 Sep 1995, Allen Dick wrote:
> > My EDU. server will not let me have access to the other Bee
> > news groups wher this may be more apporpriate, but...
There is a newsgroup: sci.agriculture.beekeeping.  It does not seem to be
very active, it probably could use more traffic.
> Please email if you know of other beekeeping lists.  I'd be
> interested.
Please post on this list if anyone knows of more.
> > I am looking for a used, motorized Stainless steel, radial extractor which can
> > handle about 5-6 frames at a time in good condition.  I have contacted many of
> > the suppliers and have come up with only huge commercial extractors for sale.
Try your local beekeeper's assoc.  I have gotten very good deals thru
mine.  If you need to find one try the local agricultural extension
service. They keep a list of associations.  There are always beekeeper's
quiting or retiring from beekeeping.  I got completely set up in
beekeeping with about three hives and a stainless steel extractor for
Hope this helps.
Pete, NJ