On Thu, 7 Sep 1995, Dave D. Cawley, a De Leon Socialist wrote:
> > From: Laura Downey <[log in to unmask]>
> >    I'll be going to the allergist, who I hope will give me a more thorough
> > test.  I'll also get more information as to what I can do.  Hopefully, the
> > allergist will understand my "need" to keep bees.  <g>
>         In my whole year of being a beekeeper I've learned that unless
> *he's* a beekeeper, he won't understand your "need" to keep bees and
> think you're a crackpot who needs therapy for more than allergies...8-}
Aint that the truth!  When I started beekeeping I asked my doctor if he
could test me for bee  venom allergies.  He wanted know why and I told
him I wanted to keep bees.
He stated, "You're a pretty weird dude."
Pete, NJ