First thanks to everyone who wrote with suggestions! I really appreciate the
Saw baby and mom today. Baby is 6 days old now and thank goodness is peeing!
Still not as often as we would like but at least 4 wet diapers each day for
past two days.  Yes she is using disposables. I told her she might want to
put a non- scented, non colored tissue inside to better tell if baby had
urinated.  I'm still concerned about a few things though.
1. Mom did not take my strong suggestion that she visit pedi.
2. Mom's nipples are sore. I believe this is from the baby incorrectly
sucking.  While I was there I let him suck my pinky and it seemed he was
tongue thrusting and when I mentioned this to mom she thought she could feel
exactly that as she nursed him.  Also he sucks in his lower lip and it seems
his lower jaw is slightly receded.  Mom holds him mostly in a football hold
and this seems to help.
3. Baby looks skinny. Mom says he really has actually filled out since birth.
 Apparently he was 2 wks overdue but he only weighed 7lbs at birth. No clue
what he weighs now, mom doesn't have a scale (neither do I), but my 7lb 9oz
daughter looked much chubbier.  Mom says he looked like a scrawny chicken
when born and he looks better now. She said she was told he would look like
that since he was overdue and her amniotic fluid was "breaking down" (doesn't
sound right to me :(
4.Baby still is only pooping once a day. Mom says normal color and smell, not
mucousy but also not volumous.
My theory is that baby isn't sucking right therefore Moms nipples are sore (
but getting better)and baby not getting all the milk he should be due to
inefficient suck.  So now how do we correct this suck or is this the point
where I try to find an
LC that is already an LC to help us out.  Sharon Terry in sharon are you
there?  BTW mom is planning on going back to work when baby is 8 wks. old and
will "have" to use a bottle because she has nowhere and no time to pump, so I
have to be careful about insisting that breastmilk is the best and that it is
worth  it to work through all the problems.
Thanks again sorry so long, Ilene