I'm a LLL Leader and have a mom with a 4 week old who has been having problems
with persistent diarrhea.  I have discussed with her all the possible causes of
diarrhea in a baby, including foods, medicines, laxatives, caffeine, etc.  The
baby has 15+ stools per day, green and watery, with some mucus.  Weight gain has
been fine, the last two weight checks were last Wednesday 9#, and today (Monday)
9# 8 ozs.  She took a diaper to the ped today and he called her this afternoon
and said it was "loaded with white cells" and he wants her to return with
another diaper in 2 days and if there are still white cells in it he would
recommend putting her on formula.  The mom eliminated ALL dairy products from
her diet 3 weeks ago.  Had a couple of eggs over the weekend.  Eats mostly
vegetables and meats.  Is taking her prenatal vitamins.  She called me today
becuase baby is much fussier the past couple of days, stooling 6-7 times per
feeding, and her poor butt is red and raw.

Any ideas/suggestions?  What do the white cells indicate?  I did suggest that
she nurse from just one breast for a 2-3 hour period, then switch.  She
explained that she has one breast that has been all of her babies (4 so far)
favorite, and the other one doesn't seem to produce much milk.  I suggested she
start with the least favorite breast, then switch to the favorite, and then for
the next 2-3 hours nurse only on that one.

TIA, Cathy Kaiser, LLL Leader