Hi, all! First, Margaret, thank you for your message of support, and I'm
very happy to tell you (cautiously), that apparently you were right on
the mark. I kept in close touch with the family, calling at least once a
day, and 48 hrs after I saw this 4 day old, post c/s, shutdown baby, his
father reported that he not only showed interest in the breast, but
latched on and nursed spontaneously. The parents are incredibly patient
and understanding, caught on immediately as to their baby's needs.
I have a question for the perinatal nurses/doctors/pharmacists out there:
could the baby's somewhat weird color (very pale carrot describes it best,
I guess) have been a result of the spinal anesthetic mom got for c/s?
Pediatrician checked him at 6 days old and said he was OK.
Charting in this country is shocking, and I could not see what was used.
Very optimistic today! Hope everyone has a great one, too. Judy K. in Israel.