Hello everyone! (G'day!)
Our names are Anne Bovey and Robyn Noble and we have been soaking up the
'net' information for the last couple of weeks - learning more in-depth
computer literacy and coping with mountains of daily letters!
Robyn is an IBCLC/medical scientist. She has been in private practice as a
lactation consultant for five years, but for the last two years has teamed
up with Anne.
Anne is a speech pathologist with her own private paediatric speech therapy
clinic including many kids with Downs Syndrome. She has a special interest
in infant feeding with breastfeeding being a seven year long passion.
Together we run a private breastfeeding clinic in Brisbane, Australia.
(Sunny Queensland!) We thrive on being a multidisciplinary team. Most of the
mothers and babies we see have been through many hands, and tend to have
quite complex multiple difficulties to overcome. We are heartened by the
numbers of successes we have - it helps counterbalance the cases which
remain total mysteries! At any rate, we can certainly understand why many
other IBCLCs in private  practice are teaming up with a partner. It helps
beat isolation and is much more fun!
Hi Kathy A! I'll decline your kind offer to sell me a T-shirt, thanks! The
photos you asked me about are actually slides and I'll send you copies when
I am more organised! Some day I'll get to an ILCA conference but not this year.