Dear Judy:

You sure know how to sweet talk me out of my oblivion (thanks for the vote of
confidence--it brought me a chuckle!)  Actually, I am about to admit to the
NY Times that I had never given theophylline and chocolate a second thought
(as to being related).  The only growth stunting I am aware of regarding
chocolate is it seems to inhibit linear growth while encouraging midline
thickening (This is a joke--don't really know, but Esther Price who is a
famous person in Dayton Ohio for making the most delicious chocolates--she
ate 1 lb per day--{and looked it, I might add, which leads me to the above
conclusion} lived to be in her 80s)  So those of us wanting to live a long
and happy life may want to get busy on the chocolate!!

Seriously, I would imagine the stimulant content of chocolate probably
depends on how much filler, the quality of the chocolate, etc.  Maybe we
should consider making stimulant free chocolate!!

For all you pharmacists out there--want to get  rich quick???  Here's my
suggestion.... lets come up with a prenatal vitamin that is a a little coated
tablet that you have to take 2 per day.  What a concept, eh???  We had a mom
in clinic last week that insists she needs liquid vitamins.  She can't take
the standard prenatal (Wanna hear how she was doing it????  She was putting
it into peanutbutter!! Aghhhhhhhh)   Anyway, this vitamin thing has been a
question of mine for a long time.  I think the vitamins are so huge because
they put calcium into them (which I think is another stupid idea).

Enough drivel from me......
Queen Too Tired to Think Straight