Dear Jan and others,
My name is Ann Perry.  I am an RN, IBCLC, and Childbirth Ed.  I live North of
To the whole group.  There was an article in the news a couple months ago
regarding a 5 y/o boy from L.A. who was born with AIDS and now test negative.
 Does anyone know if he was breast feed?
Jan - Re. pitocin induction and edema.  Pitocin is an antidiuretic and rarely
do you find women now days getting inductions without epidurals.  Then you
need to look at C-section women who had pit., epidurals and then the section.
 I will pass the word around here to observe women for the meaty appearance
around the nipples and what kind of labor they had.
Catherine Genna, I would like to know more about your background.  I found
what you wrote about lactose intolerance very intersting and would love some
your sources.
I have 2 children, ages 15 and 9 both breast feed.  I am loving this forum!