MHS:   Source date is:     07-Jun-95 17:48:00 -0300 EDT

======== Original Message ========
Hi Robin,

What an interesting case!  I once had a mother that experienced what she
described as a "deep, dark, pit of depression" as soon as she put the baby
breast.  Othertimes she was fine.  I wonder if it had to do with the
prolactin surges during that time.  She stuck it out past 4 months (when
prolactin surges are no longer present) and the depression during nursing
lifted.  Though there may be psych reasons for this mom's anger while
nursing, it may be her response to the prolactin surges.  I wonder....

Jan B.
======== Fwd by: Judy Canahuat ========
There seem to be several different unusual responses to breastfeeding that
are only now beginning to be discussed as women feel freer to speak out and
have sympathetic listeners.  I know a LLL leader who told me that she felt
nauseous every time her milk let down for several months (like 4 - 6 months)
with one of her three children. She did some extensive calling around at the
time (about 10 years ago) and the only thing people could come up with were
"hormonal imbalances!"  I tandem nursed some 20 years ago and remember quite
vividly that when I nursed the two babies at the same time, after the
younger one was about two months old I felt like I wanted to "claw the
walls" and finally had to negotiate with the older one that she would wait
until the younger one finished!  I also had gingivitis for about 5 years
that magically cleared up when the older one weaned and the periodontist
told me it was because of the nursing -- don't know if that was an "old
wives tale or not", but it did disappear once I had one two year old nursing
rather than two babies.