It sounds like you are taking the shot-gun approach to seeking out grad
schools.  There is not necessarily anything wrong with such an approach.
However, you may want to think about what topics you are interested in
studying, and authors that you enjoy reading, etc.  This will help you to
narrow down the entire field of archaeology to a managable list of 10-20
schools that you would consider attending.  Also, as you indicate that you are
an undergraduate, you may want to speak to an advisor at your institution who
presumably went to graduate school and could help you in making your decisions.
Words from an ole sage,
Michael S. Nassaney
Department of Anthropology
Western Michigan University
P.S. And, oh, lest I forget, get your hands on the infamous (and indispensible)
AAA guide to anthropology departments.  I'll keep you busy for a couple of
evenings and it has a tremendous amount of information on Anthro depts.
especially in North America.