Learn more about archaeology in Quebec!
Memoires Vives is a magazine publishing articles in historical
archaeolgy. Three times a year, it keeps you up to date on
happenings in archaeology in Quebec. It covers research
results mostly in historical and prehistoric archaeology,
news from the world of archaeology, methodology, etc.
The magazine is published in French. Articles are accompanied
by abstracts in French and English. Back issues
(number 1 - Spring 1992- to 9 - Summer 1995)
and subscriptions are available.
To receive by postal mail or fax more information on previous
issues and subscription form, send a message directly to
[log in to unmask] or contact the editor:
Groupe PGV Diffusion de l archeologie
5846 Cartier
Montreal (Quebec) Canada  H2G 2V2
Phone/Fax: (514) 277-5812