
Do I sense impending burnout ? Remember that we are not magicians. I find
that empowering the mother to keep hanging in there helps in these difficult
cases. I have the greatest faith in the baby's ability to breastfeed, despite
initial problems and my worst frustration is when the mother quits.  Over and
over again, in nine years of practice, I have seen babies latch on eventually
- one mother finger fed a 5 pounder for five weeks before it happened.
Another baby recently took two weeks. These mothers who hang in inspire me
and I let them know it. Sometimes helping her to deal with whatever else is
going on in her life (unsupportive husband, antsy two year old etc) frees up
the mother's energy to keep trying with the baby a bit longer. I say to her "
Do you think you can hang in for one more day?".  Re the baby who nursed well
for five days and then refused - I've had success with getting the mother to
let the baby suck on her finger in the nursing position, then switch from
finger to nipple.

Beverley Rae