I have chosen not to enter into the discussion of S vs L but feel the time
is right to do so now.

The first item on the market does work by vacuum. One problem I observed
with it was that once the flow was activated, it did not always stop
flowing!  This meant it had some of the same drawbacks as a bottle with
large teat hole.

Other problems I observed was bag breakage (what a mess!) and difficulty
getting replacement parts, etc.  Also cost put off a lot of people.

The other device is not cheap, a continuing problem, particularly when I
see couples who really need the full-size rather than the
hospital-size/"disposable"/single-use version.

However, the S, which cam eon the market later, can be adjusted as to flow,
both rapidity and amount, quite easily. I have not had dififuclites with
baby being "addicted" to it.  I have had mothers "addicted"/dependent on
both devices.  That makes for an interesting consult discussion, let me
tell you!

         %% "We are all faced with a series of great  %%
         %% opportunities brilliantly disguised as    %%
         %% impossible situations" - definition of a  %%
         %% lactation consulting service.             %%
         %% Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC          %%
         %% [log in to unmask]   Homewood, Illinois USA %%