One of the reasons I prefer mothers to come to my office is so that I don't
have to do home visits, which take me out of the office, away from the
phone and (BOTH) answering machines (one picks up with the other is busy!),
etc. Furthrmore, I have an electronic scale which stays in my office and
encourage mothers concerned about infant weight to come to office.

In my car, I keep a large box. It contains one each of each breast pump
kit, a feeding tube device and other bulky items.  In a two-sided brief
case, I keep magnetic and regular business cards (each mother gets one
magnetic and two regulars), all forms and instruction sheets, pump rental
receipts, insurance forms, etc. I also carry some small items in them as
well, including a special bag of sample pump kits to show how to use prior
to a client purchase (this keeps her purchase clean).

Unfortunately, I ocntinue to find that as prepared as I try to be with home
visits, inevitably I do not have something I could have used while there.
Hence, my preference again for visits to me where EVERYTHING is handy.

The answering machines pick up when I see clients in office, as I do not
answer the phone while with someone. They are paying for my time, so my
time is theirs without interruption!

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%