Hi Kathleen,

     I, too, feel the conflict between meeting client's needs in a timely
fashion and taking good care of my family.  I have a 3 year old too, and no
family support network so I really am in a bind.  I also formed and
coordinate a hospital based BF support group - this too takes alot of my
     It's so hard having to wear so many different hats and try to maintain
an even keel to things.  I am pregnant now and am starting to feel my body
slow down - but my brain doesn't want to stop!!
     What I am doing now that seems to help is I schedule pump
rentals/purchases ONLYduring the day (I have a home based pump depot like you
and I am an at home mom).  Pump rentals don't usually require the emotional
energy and concentration of a BF consult, and most moms renting a pump don't
mind my daughter coming in to demonstrate her proficiency at breastpump use!!
Ha Ha  I could not offer a mother my undivided attention for a problem
solving BF consult alone without my husband here...SO....I usually schedule
home visits or home office BF consults in the early evening when hubby can
watch my daughter.  Exceptions of course do happen, and if a mom really needs
to see me, I offer her the opportunity for an office visit, but let her know
that I will also have to be sensitive to my daughter's needs, etc.  It's a
struggle, Kathleen, I know.  I'd like to open my own BF clinic someday...but
another beautiful baby is on the way!!
     By the way, RE:  Kathy Auerbach's message to get members addresses who
are subscribed to LACTNET.  I am Wendy L. Reddy, CBC, LC ([log in to unmask])
and I live in Niagara Falls, N.Y., USA.  Private Practice BF Specialist/pump
rental depot, sitting exam in 96.