Hi. I have a question for LCs in private practice.  HOW do you structure
your practice/lives so that you can see clients in a timely fashion without
destroying your family life, etc?

I have 3 kids, am a busy LLL Leader, and have a private practice and pump
depot. When we get a call for a baby in trouble, we try to make the visit
asap, but it is very wearing, and often difficult to see clients that same
day, etc. Are clients waiting a long time until they call for help,
especially in light of early discharge, or are we just supposed to magically
make more time in the day?

ARGH. THis is the hardest part of being an LC. Of course, I must say, that I
have my 3 yr old home with me, and I must schedule the few number of visits
I can do when she can be well cared for by her dad, or a good friend we
have.  I don't want to do that many visits...family first is what works for
me, but I am not sure it works for LC practice.

Any input?


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
Williston, Vermont USA
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