Hi everyone!
My name is Pat Bucknell.  I have been a LLL leader for 23 years &
IBCLC since '92, in private practice and now a partner with
anotherC. We rent electric pumps toI am the mother of 6,
24,21,19,12,10,and 8 years.  I live in Avon Lake, Ohio which is
along Lake
Erie about 25 miles west of Cleveland.  We have a large number of
certiC's in the area and have a group that meets bi-monthly
to exchange information, ideas, and case histories.  It is really
helpful because most of the LC's work in hospital situations,
although not always as the "LC".  Anyway I had a situation like
Jan's last year, where the mom just didn't have enough milk for
desptra pumping and even Reglan before
I saw her.  We never could find the reason for the low BM supply,
but the mother did say that she had very little change in breast
size during pregnancy and none after the baby's birth.  She really
wanted to BF so she did, supplementing with formula using the
supplemental nursm. In answer to the question of BF
information in Spanish, I have 2 resources.  One is LLL and the
The Learning Curve materials by Weingart
Design 1-800-795-9295 locaI have really
rned so much from all of you on the Lactnet.  I too am
saving things to share with my partner and at our group mtg.

                  |    Pat Buckell BA,IBCLC     |
                  |        Avon Lake, OH        |