In response to Richard Carrico's request for data on Phoenix
buttons; Richard, I have not found any such buttons, but take
this opportunity to inform you that we are pulling something
together on "Tile Art" graffitti from Fort Guijarros.  The
title of an up-coming exhibit will be "Hidden Messages, Silent
Prayers."  I have a tracing of one tile with punctate spirals
in each corner, lines of punctates leading to a central spiral,
and a few punctate ovals in the emanations.  I will send you a
copy by FAX if you will e-mail your #.  If anyone else on the
net is interested, these are designs scratched or indented in
the wet clay tiles in 1795/1796 that were fired to form flat
bricks.  Some 40,000 tiles were transported to a coastal spit
of sand and cobbles to be fashioned into a cannon battery.
The graffitti decorated tiles were incorporated into the archi-
tecture never to see the light of day until my team of archaeo-