Keith Cutting <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I had a hive swarm on me in September.  I captured the swarm and
>boxed them.  I fed them all the sugar water they would take.  They put
>honey up in one shallow super and layed some on the frames in the
>deep. They were also able to put in a fair amount of late season
>goldenrod pollen.   In New Hampshire this will probably not get them
>through the winter.
I'd give them a nice warm top by putting a deep box over their inner
cover with a trash bag filled with fiberglass insulation in it.  Make
sure not to stop off their ventilation.  If you need to feed them
(check by weighing the hive as the winter goes on) you can put jar
feeders in that top box and the girls inside can get to it even
though they're clustered.