We are VERY close to having a NAUTARCH listserver up and running ...
hopefully within 2 weeks. The response has been overwhelming, with nearly
200 respondents to our initial solicitation of interest from around the
If you have not already written to express your interest, please drop me a
VERY brief note which includes not only your e-mail address, but your name,
postal address, phone number, and other data about yourself which you
consider pertinent. We are developing a database/index of respondents
which, in the future will be available by ftp and/or WWW.
When the listserver is functional, I will send each respondent an
announcement of NAUTARCH's birth, with instructions on how to subscribe
to the list. The nature of mailing list servers requires that each person
subscribe individually by sending the listserver a message.
NAUTARCH will be different from most new lists in that it will begin
operation with 200 or more subscribers from day one.
Again, thank you all for such an enthusiatic response.
Richard C. Cassin, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Ocean Sciences Research Institute
San Diego, CA, USA
([log in to unmask])
On Thu, 27 Oct 1994, I.N.A. wrote:
> There seems to be some confusion about our address, as I have already
> received three requests to be put on email lists for nautical archaeo-
> logy.  INA does not maintain an email list (although we are glad to
> add people to our membership for an annual dues of $25.00, $15.00
> for students, this is snail mail of a printed quarterly journal).
> The NAUT-ARCH emailing list is being started by Richard Cassin, who
> has posted several notices about it on the ARCH-L list.
> Cheers
> Fred Hocker
> President, INA