I am Bill Adams and I have a consulting firm in Oregon. I am also adjunct
 faculty in Anthropology at Oregon State University and in Asian and Pacific
 Island Studes at the University of Oregon. I received by PhD in Anthropology at
 Washington State University in 1976. My experience on historic sites is rather
 broad and includes French fur trading post (IN), Spanish mission Indians (GA),
 slave quarters (GA),  planters (GA), tenant farmers (MI), military sites (Fort
 Yamhill, OR and Presidio of San Francisco, CA), gold rush sites (Skagway,
 Fairbanks, Pleasant Camp, AK), farmsteads (WA, NC), industrial sites (AK, MI).
 Overseas, I have studied early 20th century Bedouin cave dwellers in Israel, a
 Japanese airbase (Taroa) in the Marshall Islands, and a village in Yap. My
 general interest has been in using ethnoarchaeology (combining oral history,
 archival, and archaeological research) to study farming communities. Currently,
 I am researching American imports of window glass, recycle!
d bottles, and other consumer goods from 1790-1860. I also am working on a
 restatement of the time lag problem which basically shows that the use of
 ceramics to date sites will make the sites 20-30 years older than the real
 occupation sites. Another project nearing completion is a dating method using
 nail populations.
William H. Adams
Adams & Associates
P.O. Box 1177
Philomath, OR 97370-1177  USA
503-929-3102       -3264 fax