In the UK it is usual, at least for honey producing colonies, to take
off all the honey and feed with sugar solution before the winter.  This
is because the price of honey is sufficiently above that of sugar to
make it worthwhile.  I believe this practice has gone on for at least
50 years.  (Beekeepers got a special sugar allowance during WW2).  I do
it and so do most of the beekeepers I know.  I have never heard of any
problems with fermentation or dysentery.
I usually feed at the end of August.  The bees take it and store it
capped in apparently the same way as honey from nectar.  There is no
significant honey flow again until April so some of the sugar stays in
the hive for at least 5 months.
Malcolm Roe                            Phone  :  +44 442 230000 ext 4104
Crosfield Electronics Ltd              Fax    :  +44 442 232301
Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 7RH, UK    E-mail :  [log in to unmask]