> tissues, etc..  The response from ZHIYONG@UIUCVMD is ludicrous and can hardly
>be taken seriously!
  Yes, I was semi-joking and halfserious on commenting the meat tenderizer
stuff.  Serious beekeepers or scientists would not use the stuff as
they get used to the stinging.  I get anywhere from 2 to 15 each time
 and the pain goes away in 5-10 min.  Productivity would be reduced if I were
to apply anything on each stinger I get.
  Actually, I do not even wear gloves as I would rather get a few more stings
than killing a few more bees (gloves are cumbersome and kills more bees when
pulling frames out or putting back), of couse some end up killed anyway when
they do start to sting, but I think more bees actually die from stinging
gloves than my hand.
  Think the positive way, a few stings a day keeps athritis and MS away!
 and I guess I have a less likelihood of getting bee-sting-alergies if I can
get a rather constant dose on a regular basis.          ZY