I'm new to beekeeping and I was informed from an experienced
          beekeeper that I need to examine my hive (once a week) and
          destroy any cells that are being created into queens or
          drones.  Is this true?  If so, how can I tell.   Also,
          for a new hive, how much honey should I get from it in an
          average year.  I am also taking the wax.  I have a regualr
          hive with a queen excluder and a small super on top.  How
          often will the bees fill it up?  Is there any problems on
          taking the top super off and removing the honey.  Someone
          told me that if I did this the bees would get confused
          because they would have no where to put the honey.  Do I
          wait until it is totally full before I remove the honey?