Traffic on BEE-L has been noticable congested lately.  A USENET group
would have made it excessive and I for one, am glad that this group decided
not to go that route.  Examining the BEE-L LOG9305 (I don't have the 256Kb
daily restriction - perhaps the stingy limit is at least part of the
problem) shows that the majority of increase in traffic has been due to
'Beekeeper' Q&A vs Bee Biology discussion.  This issue has been discussed
before and it was decided that Beekeeper questions were appropriate on
this list, but posters should indicate that the posting was a Beekeeper
posting and not Bee Biology.  This was a good solution to the problem
that went the same way as the agreement that we'd all include a Signature
indicating our geographic location to help others know from what part of
the world advice was coming (Hi Liz!  ;-)  ).
Personally, I think the increase in traffic mirrors the increase in
activity in my hives (located in upstate New York, USA).  What to do
about the increase in traffic?  Go with the flow!  Watch those headings
and read what's pertinent to YOU, and discard the rest.
Aaron Morris
Assistant Director, Large Systems
Hobby Beekeeper, 18 Years, 6 Hives
University at Albany
Albany, New York