I'm just about to finish assembling my hive.  The last thing
       I have to do is install the foundation in the frames.
       Everything that I've read says that frames that I plan to
       use for extraction should be vertically and horizontally
       wired.  However, different people seem to have different
       opinions about the necessity of horizontal wires for brood
       Can I get away with just vertical (pre-wired) foundation and
       clips on the side for my brood frames?  Will (as some have
       warned) I suffer from sagging comb unless I cross-wire?
Jeff Frontz                                              Work:  +1 614 860 2797
AT&T-Bell Labs (CB 0A-119)                               Cornet:       353-2797
att!jeff.frontz           [log in to unmask]            Home:  +1 614 924 2205