Christina Grozinger writes:

>Often missing from discussions about neonics and pollinators is whether the current neonic usage patterns actually benefit growers.  As we all know (but often do not discuss), it is not simply a question of either using them with no restrictions or banning them completely - the best approach is to use them in a way that maximizes the benefit while minimizing the cost.

Hi Christina, thanks for dropping by.

I think most of us would agree that the role of pesticides in the world is complex and not susceptible to being painted as entirely beneficial nor flat out evil. My point in this most recent discussion was to counter the alarmists that are trying to make the case that one class of pesticides is causing massive worldwide decline in bees and other pollinators. 

The subtleties and nuances of modern industrial agriculture, wildlife preservation, and the overall health and future of the natural world tend to get trampled. Over the years, here at Bee-L, most of these aspects have been discussed in depth and very few of the participants would disagree with your statements regarding complexity and the value of the integrated management approach.

As with any important issue, over time it gets polarized and reduced to slogans and counter-punches. I have recently begun speaking out (as in my editorial in the Albany newspaper) because I think misguided special interest groups are trying to manipulate the legislative process for their own aims, under the banner of "helping the bees." I am under no illusion; I realize that is how business gets done in Albany. The loudest tend to get their way.


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