At our bra store we always gave new moms-to-be free Mothering magazines
anytime they had a headline breastfeeding article.  Mothering has stopped
printing and is now online only.  Judy

Here's a collection of their breastfeeding articles. Judy

I didn't know about the recent Feb. nurse-in at the Smithsonian, but I loved
this mom's t-shirt statement, plus a father sharing the economic benefits:

"I'm here to show that breast-feeding is normal and a right," said Moller,
wearing a T-shirt made for the event that read "Don't Be Lactose


Chris Garosi, one of many fathers at the "nurse-in," said he came to support
the effort.

"We can't do a lot," he said. "We can't do what do what they can do. But we
want to support."

Garosi said breast-feeding has economic and environmental advantages, as
well as nutritional benefits.

According to an April study in the American Academy of Pediatrics journal,
the United States would save about $13 billion and 911 babies' lives
annually if 90 percent of mothers breast-fed exclusively for six months.


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