Hi all, Have permission to post.  

Saw a mum 2 weeks ago with sore nipples (with my LLL hat on).  Helped her get a comfortable latch.  Rang her today to hear how she is getting on.  Nipples are improving although not sorted.  She didn't want to bother me by ringing me. Although now her areolas are sore.  Sounds like the Montgomery glands are red, redder after a feed, and it feels like baby is nipping on areola she said.  Could Montgomery glands be infected? Thrush? She is using a shea butter based cream (it claims to be hypoallergenic and mum loves it) on nipples and now areola.  I suggested she stop using cream and used saline solution followed by few drops expressed milk, in case cream is irritating her skin.  Am I missing something?


Thanks in advance for your help.


Sarah McCann. BScHons, IBCLC


LLL Leader

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