I continue to be amazed by the number of new parents who seem to know of no techniques to calm their babies.  I have entered many a consult room to two parents and a wailing baby stretched across Mom's knees with minimal contact and no efforts to reduce the crying.  Or, the flip side, entering a room to find the parent trying to calm a wailing 1 week old by blowing raspberries on his belly and doing calisthenics with his limbs.  A good amount of time must be spent on first calming the baby, then giving the parents some tips, before we get to the actual breastfeeding consult.

I find that many a breastfeeding challenge is exacerbated when a mother tries to nurse a wailing baby or a baby who is exhausted from crying.   

Perhaps resources like THBOTB will assist some parents in learning techniques to reduce their baby's crying time to average.  Average crying is certainly better than above-average!  If the packaging appeals to parents and the instructors are able to mentor the parents then it will all work to the benefit of the baby.  I am reading THBOTB right now in the hopes that this is true!


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