Thanks to Karen for reminding me of additional nuances.  I had started using bedsharing and slipped up.  Clarity is extremely important on these issues.

Meanwhile, here in New York State, I've received a letter from the Commissioner for Health about a single pronged strategy for obesity that has less evidence than the connection between formula use and obesity.  I completely agree that sugary drinks contribute to the obesity problem, but this does not mean that by taxing just this one product category is going to turn around the obesity crisis without lots of other strategies.  As long as they are taxing sodas and other sugared drinks, why not tax formulas with inappropriate sugars? Where is the companion strategy to stop supersizing bottle feeds? and putting babies on ROUTINES that enable them to eat what they need often enough that they don't need to eat supersized meals.

Nothing in the message said anything about the fact that New York City schools allow pop tarts, but won't allow home baked goods for bake sales.

Nor how overcrowding in the schools makes it impossible for elementary school children to get sufficient exercise during the day.  

It is such a contrast with our prior NYCity Commissioner of Health who really showed a multipronged strategy towards smoking did drop the smoking rates.

Best, Susan Burger


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