I have 5 acres of land in central MN I have used for buckwheat for my bees that has not panned out most years as it is a sandy loam on a bluff top and the opportune time to plant buckwheat here for aug/sept crop is early July and we keep having really dry summers. 

Anyhow after reading about borage (starflower) and sampling some of the honey I am planning a 5 acre trial this summer. Old posts on Bee L suggest the plant will bloom for the entire summer. 

I learned that Borage is grown in Saskatchewan for oil production and apparently many beekeepers benefit from the long bloom. The plant is self seeding so I am hoping its like sweet clover once you get it established and apparently the honey is very good quality. 

I found one possible supplier of seeds, Fisher Seeds in Manitoba and have contacted them but not heard back yet. 

If anyone has any other sources of seed in bulk in North America that are verified (not just popped in a google search) or other experiences to share with Borage I would be interested. There are several sources for seed packets for a garden but thats not what I am looking for. 

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