Kathleen Bruce <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I think that for a long while, we have requested and expected people to
> identify themselves at the end of posts, with their credentials, so that
> people can know who they are talking with and what  the person's level of
> awareness and education is.  It's only polite, and we all should do it just
> as a matter of manners, I believe... It's interesting, too, to see where
> everyone is from, and what the have done in their lives beforehand.....  So
> many people come to the place of helping breastfeeding mothers..and from so
> many pathways.... It's fascinating.

I can take a hint, Kathleen! *grin*

- Lara Hopkins, B Med Sc(Hons), MBBS, FRACGP, BA
- The BA taught me as much about breastfeeding and lactation as the
MBBS, but the rest of life taught me much more
- Australia


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