<[log in to unmask]> wrote, 13 months ago:

> I just wanted to acknowledge all of the very positive responses I have
> been receiving to Evenflo's decision to become Code compliant.
> Evenflo has already removed bottle/nipple images and connection to
>  internet sales from?their Web site.

I wandered to the Evenflo website as the result of a recent post, but
came back to this post as it seems a more appropriate place to put

I only had a quick look. There are multiple bottle images and bottle
advertising on evenflo.com, starting here:


The "The Baby is Almost Here, Are You Ready?" section recommends buying
a breast pump "now", before the baby is born, "rather than later".
(There are other issues I have with the checklist, including the
assumption that a woman will be birthing in hospital with an


I then dropped in to the New Parents' Shopping Checklist:


The shopping list itself is fine. I then scrolled to the bottom, and
found the logo for the Evenflo Safe Baby & Toddler Council - a cartoon
of a baby lying down feeding itself with a bottle.

I didn't go any further. Wonder what happened to the grand plans?

Lara Hopkins


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