On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 22:28:33 GMT, [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>-- Brian Ames <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Looks like Canada and Germany are also getting on board the train to take on Bayer and the 
>this is misleading to say the least.  a private coalition of germans has filed with a public 

Whatever - public or government - the point is that momentum is building for more information 
and new studies. 

Some more tidbits


"The NRDC lawsuit against EPA prompted a letter from EPA’s Director of the Office of Pesticide 
Programs, Debra Edwards, PhD, stating that “EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs ‘sets the bar’ for 
its exceptional public participation processes and transparency."


"A 2007 examination of the French debate over imidacloprid in the journal Science of the Total 
Environment reveals that Bayer used outdated and disproved methods (not meeting state of the 
art detection limits) for its “scientific” studies assessing the effects of imidacloprid on honeybees, 
actions that call into question all of the scientific studies Bayer has produced regarding its 
products, in which it has a clear, vested economic interest." 

Uncertainty: Cause or effect of stakeholders' debates? Analysis of a case study: The risk for 
honeybees of the insecticide Gaucho®


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