Has anyone received an email claiming to have purchased contaminated honey with your label? I received a disturbing email last week from a person in New York. I know at least one other "beekeeper who received an identical email. Here it is:

"To whom this may concern,
I recently purchased your mountain wildflowers honey in 32oz. When I opened it, I noticed little pieces of green substances floating on the top of the honey. This has never happened to me before. I was disgusted and upset because I always purchase your products, and have recommended them to others. I immediately threw the honey out because I was not about to indulge in this honey. Please send me a replacement of this. I would greatly appreciate it and continue to purchase your honey. Thank you for your time. 
Yours truly,
Shana Berman
1962 Cynthia Lane
Merrick, NY 1156"

When I emailed her and asked where she bought the honey, I became suspicious because while she claimed "I always buy your honey and have recommended it to others" said she bought it while vacationing in North Carolina. But it was a small dollar amount so I shipped a container of honey.

After sending a couple of emails, I learned  that at least one other beekeeper got the same email. I'm sure there are more.  And it may be that this person is sending it to other commodities as well.  
Virginia Webb did a search on the name and address; it shows it is a 21 year old person, the 
address is in Nassau County, NY, on Long Island and at a single residence, not 
an apartment, no phone or other information was available.

Did any of you get this email? Any suggestions to handling it?

Jeanne Price
182 Elizabeth Ave
Forest City, NC 28043

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