The point I'd already made in my email to the RMH headquarters yesterday, 
was that not wishing to cause offence to other residents was completely 
illogical.  If others complained that there were black people in the house, 
if others complained that there were Muslim women in veils, if others 
complained if there were woman not wearing veils... etc, they wouldn't 
consider for a moment asking any of these groups to go to their room and 
hide as they were causing offence.  Tolerence, is the key issue in a 
multi-cultural society, not evasion.  Education leading to tolerance and 
acceptance, regardless of initial personal reaction.

And it's a sad day when such arguments have to put forward for nursing a 
human child with human milk.

That higher up officials became involved in order to re-inforce the ban on 
nursing in common areas - with this "oral guideline" makes me think that 
this situation will not have a good outcome.

Texas is indeed a strange place.   I can now see both why the Texas midwife 
site has an extensive and well resourced section on how the Bible promotes 
breastfeeding... and why I end up posting the URL so often!  Although it has 
to be said I don't get asked for it _only_ from Texas, or even the USA for 
that matter.  :-)

Personally, I'm still convinced this issue has only arisen as the children 
are toddlers, and not only why it was started, but why 'they' are being so 
adamant in seding this poor mother to her room.

If anyone receives as answer in response to their own emails, I'd appreciate 
knowing about it.  Nothing from any of mine.

Morgan Gallagher
Online Lactaneer
Nursing 26 month old

- - - - -
Chris Musser wrote that the Exec Director of RMH Houston justified the 
policy of requesting breastfeeding women to go tot their rooms, by stating:

"She told me this was because they had multicultural residents here and that 
they need to
protects all the residents from feeling uncomfortable."

This policy clearly doesn't realise that one of the reasons immigrants 
moving to a Western country do less breastfeeding than befroe, is that they 
don't see breastfeeding, and assume it is not done.  It's invisible.  
Wanting to conform, they don't breastfeed.

in Brisbane, Queensland

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