Queen breeders are going to produce only what the market demands.
The market does not now, and has not in the past, demanded tracheal mite
resistance, AFB hygiene, nor varroa mite tolerance.  Hobbyists ask for these
traits, but not the bulk of queen purchasers.  Great lines of bees have been
developed, only to be ignored in the market.  Varroa, AFB, and tracheal mite
could be minor issues if we shifted the genetics of the north American bee
population.  Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen until the consumer
demands this from the producers.

I have personal commercial experience over the past 25 years with bees
having the three traits, either alone, or in combination.  I have found them
to be profitable to run, with greater colony survival and production, and
less labor.  I can't understand why everyone doesn't demand them.  Once such
lines are developed, they are no more costly to produce.
Randy Oliver

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