Lloyd Spear wrote:

>Peter implied that he is aware of commercial operations without AFB who do
>not treat with Terramyacin or Tylosin as a prophylactic.  If we say that a
>commercial operation must have at least 1,000 hives

Hi Lloyd,

I don't see how I "implied" that, but if I did, I didn't mean to. I said I
know large scale beekeepers that don't have AFB. I never discussed whether
they give Terramycin spring and fall. I expect most do; I would, if there
was AFB in my area. 

However, I would define a "commercial" beekeeper as anyone who is making
greater part of his/her living from bees. This would include people with as
few as 300 or so hives, in some cases. To supplement this with other income
is no crime! 

For example, a lot of beekeepers enhance their income by buying bulk honey
and re-selling it. Some are inventors; some supplement by doing consulting,
or hauling other people's hives. More than ever, it is a good idea to have
multiple incomes. 


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